This scientific event is addressed especially to specialists and teachers who take an interest in the field of psycho-
social intervention regarding the quasi-coercive treatment of delinquents.
Paper abstracts will be submitted before 1 October 2009, according to the requirements stated below, to the following
Requirements for the abstract editing: Times New Roman characters, size12, spacing 1, max 200 cuvinte, 5 key-
After receiving confirmation that your paper will be included in the conference program, you are asked to pay the
registration fee, no later than 1 October 2009, and to send the payment documents to the same email address.
The full paper can be submitted between 15 September and 5 October 2009, to the address
Please observe the formatting conditions below.
Formatting conditions for the full-paper: Times New Roman characters, size: 10 for the body text, 12 Bold for the titles;
spacing , max10 pages, margines - 2,5 cm top/bottom; 2 cm left/right.
After October 5th, the full papers will be evaluated in order to be included in the SPECTO 2009 Conference Volume.
Those who do not wish to have their paper published do not have to send the full paper; it is enough to send the
abstract in order to be included in the Conference Program.