The objective of the Conference:
Our main objective is to bring together specialists from the academic environment and
reputed practicioners from the field, in order to facilitate information exchange among them.
We aim to offer specialists and researchers the opportunity to showcase their work, to present
their latest research, and to achive an intensive information exchange, which would benefit all
the participants, as well as social work on the whole.
The scientific event we are organizing is dedicated to certain practical, applied, and
methodological aspects of social work and to judiciary practice from an ethical, social and cultural
The official languages of the Conference will be Romanian and English.
Lector Univ. Dr. Mihaela Tomita – Coordinator
Lector Univ. Dr. Cosmin Goian
Asist. Univ. Drd. Theofild Lazar
Asist. Univ. Drd. Loreni Baciu
Asist. Univ. Drd. Ramona Bran
Prep. Univ. Drd. Loredana Simerea
Prep. Univ. Andreea Birneanu
Corina Crestin, Faculty Administrator
Voicu Mudura, Site Administrator
Conf. Univ. Dr. Mircea Teodor Alexiu - President
Prof. Univ. Dr. Ovidiu Predescu
Asoc. Prof. Dr. Laura T. Mays
Prof. Univ. Dr. Abraham Pavel
Prof. Univ. Dr. Viorel Prelici
Prof. Univ. Dr. Stefan Buzarnescu
Lector Univ. Dr. Mihaela Tomita
Taking into account your suggestions and considering that the last two months were dedicated to
vacation, the Organizing Comitte hereby announces the extension of the following dead-lines:
Abstract submission – was extended to October 1st.
The payment of the Conference fee – was extended to October 1st.
Sending the full-papers – was extended to October 5th.
Please take into account that this is the maximum extension that can be done, in order to manage to
respect the schedule for publishing the Conference Volume by the begining of the Conference.