Main conference sections:
1. Probation and the Criminal Justice System - moderator Lector Univ. Dr. Ionut
Durnescu, Bucuresti University
2. Restaurative Responsibility in Romanian Society - moderator
Daniela Popoviciu, President of the Professional Association of Moderators in
3. Therapeutic Justice – a new approach when dealing with drug users - moderator
Lector Univ. Dr. Mihaela Tomita, West University of Timisoara
4. Workshop: “Civil society and non-custodial sanctions” - moderator
Mihai Popescu, Romanian Groups for Human Rights
5. Poster presentations: “The delinquent of the 21st century”
Penitentiary and alternative systems.
Custodial sanctions versus community
European regulations and institutions regarding
Probation system and safety of the community
Probation as a form of assistance for justice
Crime as criminal deviance and social problem
Anomie and marginality from the perspective of
sociology of deviance
Theories and paradigms regarding drug abuse
Normality and pathology from a psychiatric
Modalities of psycho-social evaluation of
Treatment and prevention of drug abuse
Individualizing sentences. Conditions and
Psychological perspectives of criminals and
Preventive and recuperative efficiency of
custodial sentences
Policies in prevention and tackling with drug
Practice models in integrated assistance of
drug consumers
Victim-offender mediation. Restorative Justice.
Community and its “Lenses” in justice.
Therapeutic Justice
Aspects regarding criminal sanctions from the
perspective of the new Penal Code.
Preventing delinquency. Reality and theory
Theories and paradigms regarding drug
Education and psycho-social assistance as way
of resocializing and social reintegration of those in
custodial sentence
Probation as social experiment and as means
of social assistance for justice
Examples of good practices regarding the
involvement of the society in implementing non-
custodial sanctions.